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Thursday, 26 July 2012

Masaya Kushino

Recently, I discovered a shoe designer who has some stunning designs. If Tim Burton and Christian Louboutin collaberated, I think it would look a little like this! The designers name is  Masaya Kushino.

Source: vintageeva.com

Source: flickr.com

Source: changefashion.net

These are my favourite pair!! Think I might start writing to Father Christmas now...

Friday, 13 July 2012


I've found some of my own drawings from highschool and past years...
 Just thought I'd share!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Olympics London 2012

So the Olympic torch has been passing through the United Kingdom. For the period of the Olympics, the Tyne Bridge which joins Gateshead and Newcastle will be a proud frame for the Olympic rings of 2012.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Family Thread

So I just wanted to show everyone some drawings.... Not my drawings. But some I found which my mother had done years ago. I'm very proud of these drawings and I feel like the artistic flare runs through our family. I am so proud of these pieces.


Sunday, 8 July 2012

Running in Heels

So 2012 holds a mass of events for the United Kingdom. Wimbledon, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics are the biggies this year! Everyone seems to be eager to show their patriotic side with flags, fashion and face painting. Designer, Aruna Seth has managed to create shoes 'fit for a queen' for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. The hefty price tag is £3,000 and are encrusted with 3,000 Swarovski crystals. Each crystal is applied by hand!
Source: fashionbased.com
Source: asianweddingideas.co.uk

Friday, 6 July 2012

Damien Hirst Crystal Skull

So something I didnt mention in my last post, was the crystal skull which is titled "For the Love of God." The piece is made from an platinum cast of a human skull which is encrusted with 8,601 diamonds. The piece also contains human teeth.Unfortuanatly, this piece was returned back to its owner 1 week before I visited the Tate Modern.

Apparently, the inspiration for the title  comes from Hirst's mother who once said "For the love of god. What are you going to do next?"

For the Love of God 2007

For the Love of God 2007

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Damien Hirst at the Tate Modern

So as you guys know, I went to London last week to see the New Designers 2012 exhibition, but I also managed to squeeze in a visit to the Tate Modern because I wanted to see the Damien Hirst exhibition. And of course, I got a copy of the Damien Hirst book... Well it would have been rude not to! Here's some images from the book because the exhibition was a 'no photography' basis.

8 Pans 1987

Boxes 1988

Stimulants (and the Way They Affect the Mind and Body) 1991

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Something Living 1991

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Something Living 1991

In and Out of Love
(White Paintings and Live Butterflies) 1991

There was a whole room filled with live butterflies flying around. At first they looked really dull and ugly, with their wings closed and then I seen one flutter off the wall and there was the most stunning flash of blue and green!

Beautiful, cataclysmic pink minty shifting horizon exploding star with ghostly presence, wide, broad, painting 2004

This was one of my favourite paintings. The mix of the sickly pink and minty colour just satisfies me so much!

Lullaby, the Seasons 2002

Doorways of the Kingdom of Heaven 2007

Sympathy in White Major - Absolution II 2006

Sympathy in White Major - Absolution II 2006

The Abyss 2008

Sorry for the image overload.... Just really wanted to share it with you guys!
Cigarettes, butterflies, pills, sharks, cows, sheep, honey and a fair few other eccentric and (seemingly) random objects. If you haven't visited the exhibition, I highly recommend you go!! All very interesting concept pieces split into 14 rooms.
 Go and by hypnotised by Damien!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

New Designers 2012

So I got back from London, late on Friday night. I didn't know what to expect at New Designers 2012 as this was the first year I had attended. Well, I was very impressed by the diversity and innovation of the designer- makers. The flat surface designers were incredible too. It was great to be inspired and see what else is going on in the graduate world. I chatted to a few of the graduates there and it was nice to be around like- minded people in the creative environment. (Usually people assume textiles is making fabric and old school grandma knitting!)

Here's a few photos from my trip...

Source: exhibitioncentrehotels.com

I picked up a tonne of business cards. I'd love to collaborate with some of the graduates!